Codebots version!
On behalf of the platform team and everyone that has contributed, we are pleased to announce version has been released and is now available via the Codebots platform. Check out the video highlights and read more about each new feature below!
Custom snippets
Our new custom snippets are groups of common app components for building different types of applications. We launched this feature recently with Codebots 2.0, and now custom snippets allow you to create and save your own snippets which can be re-used across all your apps.
Organisation switcher
The organisation switcher will be particularly handy for those who need to work with applications from multiple organisations! It can be found in the profile panel, and allows you to change your workspace easily from whereever you are on the Codebots platform.
Low-fidelity mini-map
Our mini-map on the Entity diagram is now low-fidelity, which improves the user experience and performance of the platform. You can now easily move around on the platform by using the map, which is an awesome feature for those that have those really large diagrams!
Minor improvements
We have also made another few minor improvements to our automatic validation to make it a smoother process, improved our onboarding and resolved various imperfections.
There’s a whole host of other changes and improvements that are documented in the release notes.