
We share our news and events, along with tech tips and tricks you need to create better software.

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Codebots Wrapped 2024

09 December 2024 • 5 minutes

2024 was a transformative year for Codebots, marked by major advancements in model-based platform engineering. This article takes you behind the scenes, showcasing key milestones like the migration to 4th Gen, the introduction of Frames, and a glimpse into the bold steps planned for 2025. Discover how Codebots is empowering teams with cutting-edge tools, enhanced collaboration, and a commitment to unleashing developer potential across organisations.

Written by David Burkett

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Platform Engineering

Platform Engineering and 27001

15 December 2023 • 4 minutes

We recently achieved our 27001 certification! For anyone that has been on this journey, you will know how difficult a task this is. In this article, we discuss the road we took and how applying platform engineering saved the day.

Written by Eban Escott

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Platform Engineering

What is Platform Engineering?

20 October 2023 • 3 minutes

Platform engineering encompasses the practice of creating toolchains that empower organisations to automate and scale essential resources. In this article, we examine some of different definitions of platform engineering and answer some common questions.

Written by Eban Escott

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The Impact of Automation on Software Teams

15 November 2022 • 1 minute

Our founder, Eban Escott, recently attended the Something Tech conference, where he spoke about automation and what it can do for your business.

Written by Shannon England

thumbnail for 'What are model-to-model (M2M) transformations?'

App Development

What are model-to-model (M2M) transformations?

27 August 2022 • 3 minutes

This article is the third piece in the ‘What is Series’ by Codebots. To further understand what model-to-model (M2M) transformations are and how they work, Jordi Cabot takes us on a transformative journey on M2M and all things models.

Written by Jordi Cabot

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App Development

What is a code generator?

28 July 2022 • 10 minutes

Code generators are ubiquitous in software engineering and when they are understood, they can lead to all sorts of benefits. From scaffolding generation like in Ruby on Rails, to REST API generation like Swagger Codegen, there are a lot of useful code generation tools available.

Written by Eban Escott

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App Development

Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is the future of software development

21 June 2022 • 2 minutes

In this series of articles, world renowned experts will introduce you to some of the core concepts of MDE and unlock you on your journey to build better software.

Written by Eban Escott

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Using DevOps toolchains in Agile model-driven engineering

06 June 2022 • 2 minutes

We are excited to showcase our recent article within the journal Software and Systems Modeling! SoSysm is a top peer-reviewed journal that features the world’s best research in model-driven engineering among other topics.

Written by Shannon England

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Introducing BotCamp

24 May 2022 • 2 minutes

BotCamp is the ultimate course to train people on the processes and technologies that unlock the full potential of development teams.

Written by Shannon England

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What is DevOps and how does it work?

20 January 2022 • 6 minutes

Until recently, DevOps was a technical-only term however it is fast becoming a well-known process used within most software based businesses.

Written by Shannon England

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All I want for Christmas is bots

18 December 2021 • 1 minute

Twenty twenty-one has been an eventful year from the technology partnership with GitLab, our community engagement with Code for Peace to the introduction of AI Lab (alpha version). We are excited to see what 2022 holds. Watch as our team round up some of their highlights during 2021.

Written by Shannon England

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Catching-up with the Codebots Scholarship Recipient, Otis Carmichael

15 November 2021 • 1 minute

Codebots is delighted to hear from Otis Carmichael and his thoughts on the scholarships that support the current Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students at UQ.

Written by Shannon England

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Codebots becomes Microsoft Co-Sell Ready and joins the Azure Marketplace

09 November 2021 • 1 minute

Codebots has been part of Microsoft for Startups since our early days and recently moved on to develop more collaborative engagement within the Microsoft ecosystem.

Written by Christine Chien

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App Development

Six tips to get your software developers testing

25 October 2021 • 12 minutes

In this article, we are going to use some science to delve into the real reasons why developers don’t test. Once you have a better understanding of this, you will know how to implement some tips to get those tests written!

Written by Eban Escott

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Low Code

Low-code: the good, the bad and the ugly

13 October 2021 • 2 minutes

The MODELS conference is the premiere annual event where academics and industry come together to present and talk about the state of the art in our industry.

Written by Eban Escott

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Codebots joins the GitLab Partner Program

05 October 2021 • 2 minutes

Model-driven development platform, Codebots, has joined as a Technology partner for GitLab, the single application for the DevOps lifecycle.

Written by Christine Chien

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Lumachain wins Code for Peace

22 September 2021 • 1 minute

Code for Peace is a worldwide competition to support the International Day of Peace. It is our mission to spotlight organisations that are creating change. The 2021 winner was Lumachain.

Written by Shannon England

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App Development

The future of model-driven engineering is becoming transparent

08 September 2021 • 3 minutes

Jordi Cabot discusses the importance of MDE becoming transparent.

Written by Jordi Cabot

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App Development

Six books to get you started with MDE

25 August 2021 • 3 minutes

Do you want to take a deep dive into Model-Driven Engineering and Model-Driven Development. We’ve compiled our top picks to get you started.

Written by Shannon England

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Write to any branch with Iterate

23 July 2021 • 1 minute

In our most recent release, we’ve added the ability to instruct the bots to write code to a git branch other than the default develop branch.

Written by Shannon England

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Create AI bots that code for you

16 July 2021 • 1 minute

Have you ever wanted to create your own bot that writes in any technology stack? Well, Codebots is here to answer that very question.

Written by Shannon England

our areas of expertise